AI Detector
Fueon's AI detector is the most advanced and reliable tool for Chat GPT, Gemini, Claude and other AI model's content detection. It is ideally designed with writers and students in mind. Simply paste your content and this AI checker accurately shows the percentage of AI generated content.
Every other day, we come to know a new AI tool pops up. That obviously helps us in writing and brainstorming the ideas. These tools can be helpful but they also raise a big question like how do we know what’s genuine and originally ours? That’s where our AI detector comes in. It helps everyone spot AI-generated content to guarantee their work is authentic and unique.
A quick and reliable AI detector for ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, and more
Our AI writing detector is a free and accurate tool that identifies AI-generated content. It gives an AI percentage detector score to indicate how likely the text was created by AI tools or chatbots. Our AI text checker is highly reliable, with an 87% success rate in telling apart human writing from AI-generated text, including content from ChatGPT, GPT-4, Claude, and Gemini.
As a bonus, it also counts words and characters for you. We've made sure this AI percentage checker is simple to use and doesn't have any limits. To get started, just copy your text and paste it into the box. You'll quickly get a detailed breakdown of the content.
How does our similarity checker detect AI content and bypass content detectors like CopyLeaks, GPTZero, and Originality?
Our AI text detector uses the most advanced technology to find AI-generated content by looking at patterns and sentence structure. It goes beyond surface-level checks to spot things that other tools miss. Just by analyzing how the text flows, it can tell if it's written by a human or AI.
What makes our tool special is the ability to avoid detection from tools like CopyLeaks, Writer, GPTZero, and Originality. All these tools use common methods but our AI content detection focuses more on small details. Which makes it harder for AI content to pass undetected. Plus, it has another featured tool that helps you reword your text if AI duplication is found.
Our AI writing checker’s main focus is on three key aspects: semantic, statistical, and stylometric analysis. These analyses tell the difference between human and AI-generated text.
1. Semantic analysis for meaning and flow
Our AI content checker detects the meaning and flow of your text to see if it resembles human writing or AI patterns. Most of the time AI-generated content has logical gaps and doesn’t flow smoothly. The tool gives you a percentage which indicates the likelihood that the text was created by AI.
2. Statistical analysis for data patterns
After that the tool examines all other necessary things like word frequency, sentence length, and repetition of words in sentences. AI has a small set of vocabulary and a typical writing style that has longer sentences. So, by using these statistical patterns it becomes easy to identify the traces.
3. Stylometric analysis for writing style
Next, the detector looks at the writing style. It verifies sentence structure, word choice and grammar of the content. It also finds AI writing impressions to highlight the differences between human and AI content.
Note that AI detectors are not 100% accurate. Doesn't matter if it uses probability-based algorithms. Users should use this tool along with their judgment to determine if content was created by humans or AI/ChatGPT.
How to use a free AI content detection tool
It's very easy to locate our online AI checker tool. You can just go to the search engine or access this website directly. Just type in some keywords like "AI detector" or "AI text detector." Google will show you the best results.
- Step 1: Open the tool and copy the text you want to check. This could be an essay, article or any other form of writing. Make sure you select all the text.
- Step 2: Look for the designated area on the tool's page, its interface is simple and easy to use. Just copy-paste your content there.
- Step 3: Now click on the "Check" button to be able to analyze its contents. It reads your text and gives the percentage similarity so that in it, you can observe the areas of deficiency in what you are trying to relate to.
If your content is detected as AI-generated, do not use it. Instead, make changes to make it more original or you can use our AI humanizer to make the content human-like.
Remember, this tool only checks for AI detection, not duplication. For that, you need to use our plagiarism scanner and make sure your content is original in every aspect.
Use cases: Our AI content detector is perfect for...
Here's a look at how people use our AI paragraph detector to check AI percentage in different situations:
1. Wants to check whole text for plagiarism
Teachers can use the AI writing checker to make sure that the work of a student is original. It makes sure whether a student has used AI tools such as ChatGPT to finish their assignments, or that the entire work was done personally.
2. Authenticity of the content
News organizations can pass their articles through the AI content detection tool so that they make sure whether they are written by real journalists or AI. This is going to keep trust and credibility with readers.
3. Monitoring of social media
Moderators of the platform can employ AI detector calculators to detect and remove posts or comments which are produced through AI. This is where their talk remains self-treating and limits automated spreading of false information.
4. Content production for literary competitions
Several competitions organizing agencies used our tool to check for everyone who sent in a competition entry to make a competition fair to every individual contest. It also featured a tool readability analyzer to improve the clarity and quality of the content.
5. Legal document verification
The AI content detector will help lawyers to check legal documents properly so that no AI-generated text would be included accidentally, so that such legal processes remain pure.
6. In academic publishing
Journal editors can use the AI detector with percentage tool to ensure that submitted papers are entirely human-authored, maintaining academic standards and preventing the publication of AI-generated research.
7. Email spammers filtration
Most of these organizations use this technology to detect sophisticated phishing emails created using AI. By using an email generator, you can write quality emails that maintain the security of sensitive information.
8. Marketing content approval
The marketing teams can scan their material for originality and avoid using AI-generated content using the AI text checker. Authenticity of brands is ensured, and potential copyright issues are not raised.